Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye Wes-What are you doing?!

If you know me well, you probably know that I am one of the biggest Kanye West fans you would ever meet. Whether it's his distinct production or his flow on his own records, I love his music. But what Kanye did on Sunday during the MTV VMAs made me lose all respect I had for him.

I think we all know the story.

VMAs. Taylor Swift wins one, going against the likes of Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson. Goes upstage to say her speech. BAM! Kanye comes out of nowhere, takes the mic, and basically says, "Beyonce made a better video; you shouldn't have won." And then he leaves Swift speechless (Haha. Literally, get it?). Thankfully, Beyonce (who also one a VMA for "Single Ladies"), when accepting the award said that winning one is a special memory, and so she called up Taylor to the stage. Beyonce, you're awesome.

What Kanye did was terrible, so he "apologized" on his blog. Using all-caps (well all his posts are in caps, but I digress). And it did not seem the least sincere.
I guess he kind of saw this, so he posted another blog entry, this time conventionally capitalized, and said that he felt like Ben Stiller in "Meet the Parents" when he messes everything up and Robert De Niro tells him to leave the house. A little better...?
On Monday, Kanye, Jay-Z, and Rihanna were set to appear to perform "Run This Town" in the Jay Leno show. But before that, Kanye came and sat with Leno and apologized. He said he knew after a point that it was wrong and that he is sad that he hurt a talented singer.
You can watch the 3-minute clip here:

Whatever it is, I think this was a much more genuine apology, but I won't be totally sold unless Kanye personally does so to Taylor. But this is a start.

Sigh. Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. What happened to the down-to-earth artist who's music I fell in love with back in '04? The last few years have been rough, I understand. But he has to keep it under control.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hip-Hop Update!

Ok, so yesterday (September 11, 2009) Jay-Z's new album, "The Blueprint 3" released. I already heard the album in it's entirety before (as it leaked), but I decided to actually buy the album. Using my trusty iTunes gift card (yes, I am cheap haha), I bought the iTunes LP deluxe version of the album.

And it is amazing. The tracks are okay when you first listen to them, but they grow on you and Jay-Z's wordplay is strong as ever. Production credits include Kanye West, No I.D., Timbaland, Swizz Beats, and The Neptunes. I might post a track-by-track review soon, but trust this album is good. It's Jay-Z's message to the future of hip-hop.
The iTunes LP version has many special features, like a whole new interface (with the primary colors being white and red, like the amazing album cover), lyrics for each song, an exclusive 30-minute interview, 2 music videos, Behind-the-scenes footage, and photos. The whole thing is $16.99, and it is pretty worth it. I suggest, if you are a fan of hip-hop, go out and buy this album (or go on iTunes) to support Young Hova.

On another note, KiD CuDi's album "Man on the Moon: End of Day" leaked a few days ago, and this album is also fire. CuDi's flow is a sing-rap style and it is really good. The tracks have amazing production value and it is sure to make its mark.
Listening to it makes me feel all trippy and stuff. Haha

So that's an update from the world of hip-hop.
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been rather busy...
Anyways I got an email with some company asking me to place ads on this site. Do I get some type of commission? I have to find that out.

Now, go to iTunes!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I recently watched the movie WATCHMEN (I know the movie came out a while ago, but whatever). I never read the graphic novel, so I really didn't know what all the hype was about. All I knew was that it had something to do with flawed superheroes, a guy with a mask that changed its appearance constantly, and a big glowing blue guy who was basically god. All of this sounded pretty cool (minus the Doctor's lower Manhattan, if you know what I mean) so I decided to give it a go. Oh and before I go on, I have to say that I watched the Director's Cut, and not the original theatrical version. The Director's cut is a whole 3 hours, while the theatrical version is around 2 and a half hours.

I watched it and I thought it was a pretty good movie. Some parts were awe-inspiring (most of the visuals were amazing), some were very interesting, and some had me saying

The story of the movie is kind of complicated. It takes place in an alternate history, where the USA and the Soviet Union are inching towards a nuclear war and masked vigilantes fight crime. The movie does an amazing job by putting the audience in that time period, and the set pieces and scenery are very suited for a film like this. Now that I've seen the movie, I get why some fans were upset by Zack Snyder's adaptation. I can't speak for the fans who read the graphic novel, but the story is something that would probably be better in a comic book than a movie. The story incorporates many (many) flashbacks to shed some light on each of the characters (seriously, there is like an hour full of flashbacks). All are interesting, but at some point, the story seems to go no where. Then suddenly, after the major flashbacks, the story picks itself up again. As a person who didn't know anything about the comic, I think I did understand the major parts, so it was understandable. The ending (which I hear is much different than graphic novel), does leave something to be desired.

There are more than a dozen or so characters in this film, but the main ones (and the ones you'll actually care about) are, obviously, the Watchmen, or the superheroes. Rorschach is probably the most memorable character in this film. Played by a superb Jackie Earle Haley, Rorschach is a hero, insisting on wearing his shape shifting mask all the time, who basically, along with the audience, tries to solve the mystery of the death of The Comedian. Rorschach's rough voice overs of his journals really cultivate an interest in the character's thinking. And the mask are a work of art. The constant shifting of the shapes on his mask are a really cool effect. I think we know what this year's favorite costume is going to be. Then, Dr. Manhattan. Well, he is basically a glowing nude blue guy, who happens to be God-like. The voice provided by Billy Crudup is perfect, showing his detachment to the world and his intelligence. He is also practically nude the whole movie. I mean, the movie never really focuses on his, uh, area, but it is present. He is probably the second most interesting character, right after Rorschach. Silk Spectre II (played by Malin Akerman) is very easy on the eyes, but her performance is strictly average. Nite Owl (played by Patrick Wilson) is also okay. He does fit the role of a pudgy ex-hero though. Matthew Goode as Ozymandias is stylish, with his suave European accent, and The Comedian (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) dies in the first scene itself (Oops, sorry! But you should know this by now.) The flashbacks show how cruel he was and he is a perfect example of a superhero who takes advantage of his position.

Overall, the film takes off quickly, then slows down quite a bit in the middle, and then again picks up again. This makes for a mildly uneven experience. But the climax, even if it isn't on of the best superhero movie climax ever, still is a revelation and it is rather interesting how the story turns out.

The movie isn't perfect. But at the same time, it is very different and I think it does deserve the hype it was getting. Comic book fans might be disappointed, but people who haven't read the graphic novel (like me) won't be.

If I was to give this movie a rating out of 5 stars, I would probably give it 3 ½ out of 5 stars.

On a side note, there have been many comic book adaptations, including Batman, Spider-man, Superman, Iron Man, and the list goes on. All these movies follow a similar formula: the main character gets powers, fights a bad guy, and good triumphs evil. But Watchmen sets itself apart for being a dark and mature story of human beings who are given the responsibility of saving other human beings. The movie shows that these heroes still do have feelings and have their own problems. None of the characters, except for Dr. Manhattan, have real super powers, so the story is more realistic in a way.

As Dr. Manhattan says, “I can change many things, but I can't change human nature.”

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yeah, so I have a YouTube channel and will upload random stuff. Haha

So Subscribe and Stay Tuned!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Miss Keri Baby!

Keri Hilson. Featured in numerous songs by big-name artists (The Way I Are - Timbaland, Superhuman - Chris Brown, Hero - Nas, etc.), this talented singer finally has her debut solo album set to release on March 24. From what I have heard so far, this album is something to look forward to. In my opinion, she's a cross between Rihanna and Beyonce, but a little more pop-ish.
So, here are here singles from her album In a Perfect World... (in order of my preference):

1) "Turnin' Me On" (feat. Lil Wayne) - This one is already hitting the airwaves, and I can tell you, this one is a banger! Keri is superb, and Lil Wayne's auto-tuned voice fits the style of the song. Also check out the remix featuring the one-and-only T-Pain!

Turnin Me On feat Lil Wayne - Keri Hilson

2) "Return the Favor" (feat. Timbaland) - I thought this would be "The Way I Are" Part 2, and it kinda is, but the beat is more upbeat. Although I like the older song, this is almost as catchy, and I can see it become very popular in clubs.

Return the Favor feat. Timbaland - Keri Hilson

3) "Knock You Down" (feat. Kanye West & Ne-Yo) - Obviously, when a track has Kanye, I automatically like it. This song is pretty decent, and Ne-Yo's vocals help the otherwise low-pitched song. Kanye's rhymes are kind of like whining about a girl (again), but at least he's rapping!

Knock You Down feat Kanye West & Ne-Yo - Keri Hilson

4) "Energy" - Interestingly, this is the only single that doesn't have anyone featured, and I liked it the least out of the rest. But it's a good first single, but I have yet to hear it on the radio. This song is more Pop (because it has no Rap elements) and so it is vastly different than the other singles.

Energy - Keri Hilson

Be sure to check out In a Perfect World, releasing March 24!

Now it's time for me to make music...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Money and PS3 and Stuff

lol so i was bored and decided what im gonna do with my $220 (birthday money)....
i made a list ;)

i'm going to buy Killzone 2 (PS3 game) cuz its the best game ever on the ps3 haha
plus i dont have alot of games :(

i'm going to buy Little Big Planet (again a ps3 game) for the same reason as above :D

i'm going to save up for an ipod touch or an iphone cuz my ipod broke and i srsly need a new phone (my phone is over 3 yrs old)... so we'll see

but of course this is all after SATs, AP Tests, SATIIs, etc... man junior year is killing me
so maybe in like 3-4 months i hope haha..

ok! ap us history and precal time! gotta go!


yeah i havent blogged in ages haha.... too busy

ok so me and my friend were hating on this one chick that we dont like at all (its a long story)
and we took it soo far that we made a website and a rap song about it.... it was gonna be longer but we decided to stop since it wasnt funny anymore and things were getting out of hand lol..
oh yeah her nickname was CWD (u figure that out)

so heres the song that i "released" onto youtube - i'm the one rapping :) and ppl thought it was pretty good...

Monday, January 12, 2009


i kno it kind of late (a few weeks)
but i hope everyone had a nice holiday season and a very nice new year!

this is my favorite christmas song!

Yeah! 2009!

best wishes,

PSYCHO (IN 11 MINUTES) - Dialogue By Me!

LOL this was for an english project... i was gonna have it played in front of the whole class but i scrapped that idea and opted for a game show thing instead.
all the voices in the movie were done by me. its a "remake"/compressed version of Hitchcock's Psycho (Alfred Hithcock was the person i did my project on)
the winner of the game show got a DVD with this movie tho haha!



Crack a Bottle - Eminem (feat. Dr. Dre and 50 Cent)

em's new song. the man is back
nuff said